Of Imperial Navy and Navy-bonded Knights

Hey people! In this modern age of rapid-firing social media and programs generating this and that I figured it’s time to take few steps forward and start appreciating and doing blog content again. I have lots of stuff unposted, but I decided start from what I’m currently working for Iron Sleet’s Ynqvisitor campaign. So here’s the most recent:

Firstly due to needing lots of points for gaming and secondly for the need to build and paint something larger that I can use to learn color modulation I decided to break out the Castellan knight. I went for only few small conversions, the kit was absolute pleasure to build and ridiculously fast to put together.

I wanted to keep the scheme ultra neutral so it fits my different Imperial armies and doesn’t stick out, and took inspiration from WW2 submarine models. Thinking further about what units to add next to create a “staple” allied force to add to Imperial armies I sort of came up with an idea to start building a whole Imperial Navy continent, now that the sublime Imperial Navy Breachers are also available to 40k.

Navis Imperialis by John Blanche

Inspiration hit me hard and here’s what’s WIP on the workbench now. A Fleet officer with his retinue: Flag-lieutenant, Armsmen Breacher Commander, Navitek, Bodyguard-Servitor and a Navy Medical Unit NMU (Counts-as Inquisitor Coteaz and Rogue trader entourage). After these it’s the Navy Breacher squad.

WIP Command Echelon of the Battle-cruiser Inviolable Will

I am currently away for a vacation but still doing some hobby research around the subject. I already read Gordon Rennie’s magnificent book Exexution Hour, which is about Battlefleet Gothic operations and it’s amazing considering it’s from 2001. Can totally recommend it, Rennie had a better grasp of 40k then than most new Black Library writers seem to have. I am currently reading Chris Wraight’s Sea of Souls book, which is also about fleet action, this time happening in Indomitus Crusade. This one is also fantastic, and Wraight is in my top three BL writers along with Abnett and Reynolds. This is also in my opinion the best book in the Dawn of Fire series so definitely recommend it!



6 thoughts on “Of Imperial Navy and Navy-bonded Knights

    1. Thank you! It’s a nice book – Rennie has skills similar to Abnett to make things work well in scale and eye for technicalities. Shame that he hasn’t written anything else than the 2-part Gothic War series.

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